Atm, my weapons at level 70 my weapons would do 630-832, if I equiped a slow offhand I could achieve 1000+ damage, with WotLK, I expect weapons will scale up to 1750-ish. As a interesting sidenote, for those rogues who are running guildies through instances, you might want to equip a slow off-hand as your poisons won't have much use on low level mobs and this attack does 100% damage of both your weapons. Since this ability requires melee weapons, I would suggest anything BUT daggers, since maximum damage would be achieved with fists, swords, or maces.
That being said, this is probably going to be the skill that rogues would use in helping guildies run low level instances, as (other then combat spec) rogues don't handle multiple mobs too well. Commentaire de KlentirFirst off, I'd just like to say I've been waiting for Blizzard to add this skill to to rogues for a LONG time now, and I'm thrilled that they finaly got around to it :).